Venus Point Payment Average ratng: 4,6/5 699 reviews

Birdsall is raising funds for VENUS RISES Issue #1 on Kickstarter! The crew of the salvage spaceship Cattywompus find themselves at the epicenter of humankind's first interplanetary civil war. You will receive a response within 24 hours. If you do not receive a response within 24 hours, please contact us directly at the following. Email Address: email protected. If other factors in your chart point to low self-esteem or negative moods, then Venus conjunct Pluto can lead to a lack of self-love and destructive relationships. You may become a victim of betrayal or abuse, going through much pain each time you are stung. And this can be a repeating cycle spiraling down into despair. Nowadays, more products and services are being purchased online than ever before, and the business potential is enormous. However, setting up a website for a company simply isn’t enough and won’t guarantee that potential customers will make purchases online.

New Registration

Registration URL will be emailed to the inputted email address

Registration URL will be automatically sent within 5 minutes. If you do not receive any email within 5 minutes, please check the following.

• Check Spam Folder

• As the system may not recognize your mobile phone email address, please register again from your PC

・Add '[email protected]' to your approved email recipient list and register again

If you continue to experience any problems, please contact the Support team at the following.

Email address : [email protected]

Email Subject Title: Request to Open Account

Text: (Email body can remain blank)

User Agreement Introduction

The following user agreement describes the terms and conditions in which VenusPoint offers you access to VenusPoint services.

This User Agreement ('Agreement') is a contract between you and VenusPoint. applies to your use of the VenusPoint services available through (collectively the 'Service').

In order to use VenusPoint Services you must read, agree with, and accept all of the terms and conditions contained in this Agreement and the Privacy Policy, which include those terms and conditions expressly set out below. By accepting this Agreement, you also warrant that by using VenusPoint Services you are not in violation of any laws or regulations in effect in your jurisdiction.
For additional information about the Service and how it works, please also contact VenusPoint customer support at [email protected]
In this Agreement, 'you' or 'your' means any person or entity using the Service ('Users'). Unless otherwise stated, 'VenusPoint,' 'we' or 'our' will refer collectively to VenusPoint.


Anyone can apply to use VenusPoint services however, we reserve the right to deny or restrict Services to anyone at our sole discretion.In addition, Services are only available to individuals or businesses that can form legally binding contracts under applicable law.Without limiting the foregoing, our Service is not available to minors, persons who are suspended from our Service, persons residing where our Services are not permitted by law,or to persons who are known to or suspected of participating in criminal activity including but not limited to fraud, theft, money laundering, terrorism or child pornography.

The legal relationship between You and VenusPoint

VenusPoint is an electronic financial platform that facilitates the making and accepting of payments to and from third parties.We act as your agent based upon your direction and at your request to use our Services that requires us to perform tasks on your behalf.

You acknowledge and understand that:

  • VenusPoint is not a chartered bank or a deposit taking financial institute;
  • VenusPoint is a stored value payment service provider and as such is acting only as your agent and custodian as permitted by law.
  • If you carry a balance in your VenusPoint stored value account, VenusPoint will pool the associated funds together with funds from other Users, and will place those funds in bank accounts at one or more deposit taking financial institutions. ('Pooled Funds')
  • Bank accounts holding Pooled Funds may be interest earning accounts and in such a case all interest earned is the sole property of VenusPoint.
  • By adding value to your account, you appoint VenusPoint as your agent to obtain the associated funds on your behalf and to transfer the funds to Pooled Funds, subject to the terms and restrictions of this Agreement.
  • By initiating and sending payments through the Service, you appoint VenusPoint as your agent to transfer value to the recipient as designated, subject to the terms and restrictions of this Agreement.
  • When initiating and sending payments through the Service, until a payment is accepted by the recipient, you remain the owner of the value. You will not be able to receive associated funds or make additional payment to any other recipient unless the initial payment transaction is cancelled.
  • By receiving payments through the Service, you appoint VenusPoint as your agent to cause the associated value to be added to your stored value account.
  • You may provide instructions to have associated funds reimbursed to yourself.Associated funds available for reimbursement will be equal to or less than the total stored value in your VenusPoint account minus any applicable fees for making the requested payment type.
  • VenusPoint acts as an Internet service provider by creating, hosting, maintaining and providing our Service to you via the Internet.We do not have any control over the products or services that are paid for with our Service. We cannot ensure that a buyer or a seller you are dealing with will actually complete the transaction.All transactions are final once complete. You accept that VenusPoint is not liable for any losses you may incur as a result of transfers from or to your stored value account from other Users.
  • We use many techniques to identify VenusPoint Users. You authorize VenusPoint, directly or through third parties, to make any inquiries we consider necessary to validate your registration and identity.However, we do this on a best effort basis and cannot guarantee any user's identity.
  • In the event that you have a dispute with one or more Users, you release VenusPoint (and our officers, directors, agents, subsidiaries, joint ventures and employees) from any and all claims, demands and damages (actual and consequential) of every kind and nature arising out of or in any way connected with such disputes.
  • We, our parent, subsidiaries, employees and our suppliers provide our services 'as is' and without any warranty or condition, express, implied or statutory.We, our parent, subsidiaries, employees and our suppliers specifically disclaim any implied warranties of title, merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement. VenusPoint shall make reasonable efforts to ensure that requests for electronic debits and credits involving bank accounts, and check deposits are processed in a timely manner but we make no representations or warranties regarding the amount of time needed to complete.
  • In no event shall we, our parent, subsidiaries, employees or our suppliers be liable for lost profits or any special, incidental or consequential damages arising out of or in connection with our web site, our service, or this agreement.
  • You agree to indemnify and hold VenusPoint, its parent, subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, directors and employees harmless from any claim or demand (including attorneys' fees) made or incurred by any third party due to or arising out of your breach of this Agreement or the documents it incorporates by reference, or your violation of any law or the rights of a third party relating to your use of the Service.


All applicable fees are available by logging into VenusPoint located at . All fees will be assessed in USA dollars. Once Payment is made it is non-reversible and non-refundable. VenusPoint reserves the right to change its fee schedule at any time and without advanced notice.

Adding value to your account

All methods of adding value to your account are available by logging into VenusPoint located at . VenusPoint reserves the right to change its available methods of adding value at any time and without advanced notice.

VenusPoint shall make reasonable efforts to ensure that requests for adding of value are processed in a timely manner but we make no representations or warranties regarding the amount of time needed to complete.

VenusPoint Services are based in US Dollars. In the event that you make payment for adding value to a VenusPoint stored value account in US Dollars then before you complete the payment, VenusPoint will display the current value, and any applicable fees, which you must accept in order to proceed.

VenusPoint Services are based in US Dollars. In the event that you make payment for adding value to a VenusPoint stored value account in a currency other than US Dollars then before you complete the payment, VenusPoint will display the current value, the exchange rate and any applicable fees, which you must accept in order to proceed.

Receiving reimbursement

All methods of receiving reimbursement are available by logging into VenusPoint located at VenusPoint reserves the right to change its available methods of reimbursement at any time and without notice. In order to receive reimbursement, you must complete a reimbursement order in full.

VenusPoint shall make reasonable efforts to ensure that requests for reimbursement are processed in a timely manner but we make no representations or warranties regarding the amount of time needed to complete.

Refused Payments

When you send a payment through our Service, the recipient is not required to accept the payment. Any payments sent through VenusPoint that are denied or unclaimed by a recipient will be returned to you on the earlier of: (a) the date of such denial, or (b) 10 business days after the date the payment is sent.

Receiving Payments

As a recipient of a payment through our Service, you are not required to accept the payment. Any payments sent through VenusPoint that are denied or unclaimed by a recipient will be returned to you on the earlier of: (a) the date of such denial, or (b) 10 business days after the date the payment is sent.

VenusPoint reserves the right to ask a recipient of a payment for further authentication or other information in order for him or her to receive it. Users who receive more than $10,000 in payments during a single week may be required to provide VenusPoint with additional information in order to accept subsequent payments within the same week.

Point Back


To achieve and support smooth and accurate user and merchant use

Max Amount

Max 'Point Back' user can earn is 20,000 points per month


The following uses are prohibited

Activities that abuse the 'point back' feature where user seeks to only earn bonus points by sendinng to and withdrawing from merchant account without any play transactions

In order to prevent and mitigate any abuse of the point back reward features, Venus Point maintains the right to implement any of the following options

Venus Point Payment Calculator

1. Invalidate addition of any bonus points for transactions made during questionable timeframe

2. Remove added bonus points from user account for any bonus points were determined to be earned illegitimately

3. Suspend user account

Venus Point maintains the right to immeidately implement any of the above mitigation measure without user approval if user is determined to violate the restricted terms

In order to enforce anti-abuse measures, Venus Point maintains the right to communicate user information with the merchant to verify select transactions


Your Information and Restricted Activities

  • Definition. 'Your Information' is defined as any information you provide to us or other Users in the registration, payment process, or any other features of our Service. You are solely responsible for Your Information.
  • Restricted Activities. Your Information and your activities (including your payments and receipt of payments) through our Service shall not:
    • be false, inaccurate or misleading;
    • be fraudulent;
    • violate any law, statute, ordinance, contract or regulation including, but not limited to, those governing financial services, consumer protection, unfair competition or antidiscrimination;
    • be defamatory, trade libelous, unlawfully threatening or unlawfully harassing;
    • be obscene or contain child pornography of any kind;
    • contain any viruses, Trojan horses, worms, time bombs, cancelbots, easter eggs or other computer programming routines that may damage, detrimentally interfere with, surreptitiously intercept or expropriate any system, data or other personal information;
    • create liability for us or cause us to lose (in whole or in part) the services of our ISP's or other suppliers. If you use, or attempt to use the Service for purposes other than sending and receiving payments and managing your account, including but not limited to tampering, hacking, modifying or otherwise corrupting the security or functionality of Service, your account will be terminated and you will be subject to damages and other penalties, including criminal prosecution where available.
  • License. Solely to enable VenusPoint to use the information you supply us with, so that we are not violating any rights you might have in that information, you agree to grant us a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable, sub-licensable (through multiple tiers) right to exercise the copyright, publicity, and database rights (but no other rights) you have in Your Information, in any media now known or not currently known, with respect to Your Information. VenusPoint will use and protect Your Information in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

Access and Interference

Our web site contains robot exclusion headers and you agree that you will not use any robot, spider, other automatic device, or manual process to monitor or copy our web pages or the content contained herein without our prior expressed written permission. You agree that you will not use any device, software or routine to bypass our robot exclusion headers, or to interfere or attempt to interfere with the proper working of the VenusPoint site or any activities conducted on our site. You agree that you will not take any action that imposes an unreasonable or disproportionately large load on our infrastructure. Much of the information on our site is proprietary or is licensed to VenusPoint by our users or third parties. You agree that you will not copy, reproduce, alter, modify, create derivative works, publicly display or frame any content (except for Your Information) from our web site without the prior expressed written permission of VenusPoint or the appropriate third party. If you use, or attempt to use the Service for purposes other than sending and receiving payments and managing your account, including but not limited to tampering, hacking, modifying or otherwise corrupting the security or functionality of Service, your account will be terminated and you will be subject to damages and other penalties, including criminal prosecution where available.

Privacy and Security

We do not sell or rent Your Information to third parties for marketing purposes and we only use Your Information as described in the Privacy Policy. We view protection of users' privacy as a very important principle. We store and process Your Information on computers located in secure locations around the world that are protected by physical as well as technological security devices. Your Information is stored under encryption on our database to further protect Your Information. VenusPoint does not give access of its database to any government authority and is subject only to a court order from a British Virgin Islands court of jurisdiction. You should only log in to your VenusPoint account on a page which begins with All of our pages begin with and therefore you should not use any other site that does not begin as such. Do NOT attempt to log in from a public computer, only use the system from your own personal computers.

Termination or Closing Your Account

Venus Point Payment

You may close your stored value account at any time by clicking the 'Close Account' link in the VenusPoint website. Upon closure of an account, any pending transactions will be cancelled. The associated funds corresponding to the stored value in your account at the time of closure, less any applicable fees, will be reimbursed to you by means of bank wire transfer. Wire instructions must be provided on closure.

You may not use closure of your account as a means of evading investigation - if an investigation is pending at the time you close your account, VenusPoint may continue to hold associated funds for up to 180 days or as provided by law as appropriate to protect VenusPoint against the risk of legal demands. If you are later determined to be entitled to some or all of the funds in dispute, VenusPoint will make payment of those funds to you. You will remain liable for all obligations related to your account even after such account is closed. After the date of termination, we will use the information you provided to try to send you any funds that we are holding in custody for you. If that information is not correct, and we are unable to complete the payment to you, your funds will be subject to applicable British Virgin Islands laws regarding escheat of unclaimed property. On closing of any account all records are kept indefinitely of transactions in that account and are not deleted.

Remedies and VenusPoint's Right to Collect From You

Without limiting other remedies, we may update inaccurate or incorrect information you provide to us, contact you by means other than electronically, immediately warn our community of your actions, place a hold on the value in your account, limit value adding sources and payments, limit access to an account and any or all of the account's functions (including but not limited to the ability to send value or be reimbursed from the account), limit reimbursements, indefinitely suspend or close your account and refuse to provide our Services to you if:

  1. you breach this Agreement or the documents it incorporates by reference;
  2. we are unable to verify or authenticate any information you provide to us;
  3. we believe that your account or activities pose a significant fraud risk to us; or
  4. we believe that your actions may cause financial loss or legal liability for you, our Users or us. If we close your account, we will provide you notice and reimburse you a value equal to your stored value account. Additionally, to secure your performance of this Agreement, you grant to VenusPoint a lien on and security interest in your account. In addition, you acknowledge that VenusPoint may setoff against any accounts you own for any obligation you owe VenusPoint at any time and for any reason allowed by law. These obligations include both secured and unsecured debts and debts you owe individually or together with someone else. VenusPoint may consider this Agreement as your consent to VenusPoint's asserting its security interest or exercising its right of setoff should any law require your consent. The rights described in this section are in addition to and apart from any other rights.
  5. Venus Point retains the right to review all transactions and ensure that user behavior is in accordance with the terms of use.

In the case Venus Point determines user behavior is associated with charge backs or illegitimate point transfers, Venus Point retains the right to undertake appropriate measures such as limiting or suspending accounts and is not obligated to explain the reason or cause of the measure implemented.


You may not transfer any rights or obligations you may have under this Agreement without the prior written consent of VenusPoint. VenusPoint reserves the right to transfer this Agreement or any right or obligation under this Agreement without your consent.

Legal Compliance

You shall comply with all applicable domestic and international laws, statutes, ordinances, regulations, contracts and applicable licenses regarding your use of our Services. VenusPoint is not responsible to establish your legal right to use our services. Such requirements rest entirely on the User.


VenusPoint will make every effort to communicate directly with you via its internal messaging system and encourages its use by you. At no time will regular email be used to ask for passwords or ask you to sign in because of a system upgrade. You will however, from time to time, receive a notice to your email address that you have a message waiting in your VenusPoint account.

You agree that this Agreement constitutes 'a writing signed by You' under any applicable law or regulation. To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, this Agreement and any other agreements, notices or other communications regarding your account and/or your use of the Service ('Communications'), will be provided to you electronically and you agree to receive all Communications from VenusPoint in electronic form. Electronic Communications may be posted on the pages within the VenusPoint website and/or delivered to your internal mail address. You may print a copy of any Communications and retain it for your records. All Communications in either electronic or paper format will be considered to be in 'writing,' and to have been received no later than five (5) business days after posting or dissemination, whether or not you have received or retrieved the Communication. VenusPoint reserves the right but assumes no obligation to provide Communications in paper format.

Except as explicitly stated otherwise, any notices shall be given by postal mail to British Virgin Islands (in the case of VenusPoint) or to our online message center. Notice shall be deemed given 24 hours after email is sent, unless the sending party is aware that the electronic communication was not received. Alternatively, we may give you notice by e-mail to the address provided to VenusPoint during the registration process. In such case, notice shall be deemed given 3 days after the date of e-mailing.

Legal Disputes

In the event a dispute arises between you and VenusPoint, our goal is to provide you with a neutral and cost effective means of resolving the dispute quickly. Accordingly, you and VenusPoint agree that any controversy or claim at law or equity that arises out of this Agreement or VenusPoint Services ('Claims') shall be resolved in accordance with one of the subsections below, or as otherwise mutually agreed upon in writing by the parties. Before resorting to these alternatives, VenusPoint strongly encourages users first to contact VenusPoint directly to seek a resolution. VenusPoint will consider reasonable requests to resolve the dispute through alternative dispute resolution procedures, such as mediation, as an alternative to litigation.

Venus Point Payment
  1. Court. Alternatively, any Claim may be adjudicated by a court of competent jurisdiction located in British Virgin Islands, and in your case, your home address or principal place of business. You and VenusPoint agree to submit to the personal jurisdiction of the courts located within the British Virgin Islands.
  2. Alternative Dispute Resolution. VenusPoint will consider use of other alternative forms of dispute resolution, such as binding arbitration to be held in the British Virgin Islands, or another location mutually agreed upon by the parties.
  3. Violations of Section 15. All Claims (excluding requests for injunctive or equitable relief) between the parties must be resolved using the dispute resolution mechanism that is selected in accordance with this Section by the party first to assert a Claim, either through a court filing or commencement of arbitration. Should either party file an action contrary to this Section 15, the other party may recover attorneys' fees and costs up to $25,000.00, provided that the party seeking the award has notified the other party in writing of the improperly filed Claim, and the other party has failed to exchange the Claim.

Contacting VenusPoint Service providers: In the event of a dispute between you and VenusPoint we strongly discourage Users from calling our service providers in order to obtain resolve on the dispute. VenusPoint has the right to immediately suspend Services to any Users who have contacted VenusPoint service providers in regards to VenusPoint for any reason whatsoever unless given expressed written consent of to do so by VenusPoint.


This Agreement is governed by and interpreted under the laws of British Virgin Islands. As such, laws are applied to agreements entered into and to be performed entirely within British Virgin Islands. We do not guarantee continuous, uninterrupted or secure access to our service, and operation of our site may be interfered with by numerous factors outside of our control. If any provision of this Agreement is held to be invalid or unenforceable, such provision shall be struck and the remaining provisions shall be enforced. You agree that this Agreement and all incorporated agreements may be automatically assigned by VenusPoint, in our sole discretion, to a third party in the event of a merger or acquisition. Headings are for reference purposes only and in no way define, limit, construe or describe the scope or extent of such section. Our failure to act with respect to a breach by you or others does not waive our right to act with respect to subsequent or similar breaches.

Venus point payment definition

Complaints and disputes

Disputes between you and another user of VenusPoint may be dealt with by writing or emailing our complaints department as per below. VenusPoint will attempt to mediate and resolve the dispute on a best efforts basis.

Data Protection

We will store and process your information on VenusPoint computers using a minimum of 128 bit encryption technology. We strive to utilize the best and most robust technology available. Should VenusPoint computer(s) be compromised in any way, stolen or seized, no data on those computers will be accessible without a VenusPoint decryption key. VenusPoint decryption keys are not stored on the computers holding User data. We maintain data on multiple computers in several countries worldwide to ensure that a failure of a single computer or region does not result in a loss of or compromise of any data.

Only limited VenusPoint staff members will have limited access to Your Information and only for the purposes of account management as per the terms of this agreement. Directors of VenusPoint will be authorized to access all Your Information but only on a limited basis as per the terms of this contract.

By 'Your Information' we mean personal and financial information we

Venus Point Payment Definition

  1. obtain from you or from third parties
  2. learn from the way you use and manage your account, from the transactions you make and from the payments which are made to your account. VenusPoint, will use your information to maintain your stored value account, provide you information about your stored value account, provide our Services, and to develop and improve our Services to you, for example by informing you about products and services we are offering. You agree hereby to receive such notices from VenusPoint.

Privacy Issues

Collection of Information

VenusPoint uses a digitally signed certificate to authenticate your identity. This certificate is in part specific to your computer which means that additional certificates will be required for every computer you use to access your stored value account.

Accessing and Changing Your Information

You can review the personal information you have provided us, or update such information, or make changes to the settings for your VenusPoint stored value account, at any time by logging in to your account on the VenusPoint Web site.

Electronic Fund Transfer Rights and Error Resolution

You agree to notify us immediately upon belief that your VenusPoint PIN has been compromised, or upon belief that someone has transferred or may transfer money from your stored value account without your permission.

You can inspect your stored value account transaction history at any time by logging in to your account on the VenusPoint website.

In the event of the belief of unauthorized transactions, payment problems, errors or questions about your account, you must notify VenusPoint through our internal messaging system available by logging into VenusPoint or in writing. Notices using regular email will be ignored. You must:

  1. Tell us your name and primary email address;
  2. Describe the error or the transaction you are unsure about, and explain as clearly as you can why you believe it is an error or why you need more information; and,
  3. Tell us the value amount of the suspected error. We will tell you the results of our investigation within ten (10) business days after we hear from you, and will correct any error promptly. If we need more time, however, we may take up to forty-five (45) calendar days to investigate the complaint or question. If we decide to do this, we will provisionally credit your stored value account within ten (10) business days for the amount you think is in error, so that you may have the use of the value during the time it takes us to complete our investigation. If we ask you to put your complaint or question in writing and we do not receive it within ten (10) business days, we may not provisionally credit your stored value account. If we determine there was no error, we will mail you a written explanation using our internal messaging system within three (3) business days after we finish the investigation.

Venus Point Payment Bill

Irrevocable Payment Policy

Once a User of VenusPoint authorizes a payment, the payment cannot be reversed by the sender of the payment. The recipient of the payment may at their own option return payment on their own terms but that is not the responsibility or obligation of VenusPoint. In the event that the goods or services sent were not that promised by the recipient of payment or else were faulty or in any other way unacceptable or misrepresented, then the sender of payment may contact our complaints department to work out a resolution on the matter. Both sender and recipient of payment hereby consent to accept without recourse the determination of VenusPoint and its legal representatives in resolving the matter.

Venus Point Payment Meaning

Use of VenusPoint Logos on web sites

When you display the VenusPoint logo on your web site it must first be approved by VenusPoint and you must have an account with VenusPoint into which payments can be received.

VenusPoint base stored value currency

VenusPoint Business Day

Coments are closed
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